
Web Development

software development Applications,Production support and training



MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth PHP Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and PHP Certificate.

PHP Course Contents

  • Introduction to web technology
  • Scripting languages
  • Arrays
  • Classes and objects
  • Abstracts class & Interface HTML 5
  • Introduction & History
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Validation PHP – Understanding the Preliminaries
  • Introduction to web & internet
  • Introduction to server
  • Understanding localhost server
  • Starting PHP
  • Usage of Include and require statements PHP and MySQL - The Structured Repository
  • PHP MySQL Connectivity
  • Integrating Web Forms and Database
  • Using PHP’s MySQL Extension Learn More Advanced Techniques in PHP
  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
  • Classes and Objects
  • Exception Handling
  • Regular Expressions
  • Session Handling
  • Using Cookies MySQL
  • MySQL data types
  • DML and DDL
  • Aggregate functions
  • Subquery and join
  • Database Programming
  • PHP and MYSQL
  • AJAX Introduction
  • AJAX Database programming jQuery
  • JSON Bootstrap

LARAVEL Course Contents

  • Overview & Installation of Laravel
  • Introduction  
  • Laravel Features
  • Laravel Installation
  • Application Structure Of Laravel
  • Configuration
  • Routing
  • Controllers
  • Views 
  • Model
  • Redirections 
  • Migration & Seeding
  • Working With Database
  • Web Packing
  • Validation
  • Eloquent
  • Laravel Queue
  • API
  • Blade Templates
  • Laravel  Ajax

JavaScript Course at MIGHTY INFOTECH

MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth JavaScript Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and JavaScript Course Certificate.

JavaScript Course Contents

  • Basic JavaScript Introduction
  • JavaScript Data Types and Variables
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Statement
  • Objects in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Window and Frame Objects
  •  JavaScript Event Handling
  • JavaScript Exception Handling
  • Form
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Introduction of HTML

React & JSX - Fullstack

MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth React & JSX Training Course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects React & JSX Certificate.

React (.js) Course Contents

  • Introduction to React & JSX
  • Origins of React
  • React.js Syntax
  • Overview of JSX
  • React
  • Components
  • State
  • Props Overview
  • Props Validation
  • Component API
  • Component Life Cycle
  • Forms
  • Events
  • Refs
  • Keys
  • Router
  • Flux concept
  • Using Flux
  • Animations
  • Higher order Components
  • React component Properties
  • Setting Properties
  • Component Lifecycle
  • Updating Components
  • First React.js component
  • Mounting Components
  • JSX
  • Expressions & Attributes
  • JSX Basics
  • Namespaced Components
  • Rendering HTML
  • Rendering React Components
  • Flux
  • Views & Controller-Views
  • Flux is not MVC!
  • Data Flow
  • Action, Dispatcher, Store & View
  • Flux Application Architecture
  • Structure
  • Event Handling In React
  • Key Events
  • Event Pooling
  • React.js Event Handlers
  • Synthetic Event
  • Creating A Dynamic UI In React
  • Keeping components stateless
  • Event Delegation
  • React Stateful Components
  • Auto binding
  • Integration With Other Libraries
  • Gulp & Browserify
  • React with jQuer
  • React & AJAX
  • React Server Integration & Deployment
  • httpster


MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth Node JS Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and Node JS Certificate

Node JS Course Contents

  • Node JS Course

    • Introduction
    • What is Node JS?
    • Advantages of Node JS
    • Traditional Web Server Model
    • Node.js Process Model
  • Setup Dev Environment

    • Install Node.js on Windows
    • Installing in mac os
    • Working in REPL
    • Node JS Console
  • Node JS Modules

    • Functions
    • Buffer
    • Module
    • Module Types
    • Core Modules
    • Local Modules
    • Module.Exports
  • Node Package Mananger

    • What is NPM
    • Installing Packages Locally
    • Adding dependency in package.json
    • Installing packages globally
    • Updating packages
  • Creating Web server

    • Creating web server
    • Sending requests
  • File System

    • Fs.readFile
    • Writing a File
    • Writing a file asynchronously
    • Opening a file
    • Deleting a file
    • Other IO Operations
  • Debugging Node JS Application

    • Core Node JS debugger
    • Debugging with Visual Studio
  • Events

    • EventEmitter class
    • Returning event emitter
    • Inhering events
  • Express.JS

    • Configuring routes
    • Working with express
  • Serving Static Resources

    • Serving static files
    • Working with middle ware
  • Database connectivity

    • Connection string
    • Configuring
    • Working with select command
    • Updating records
    • Deleting records
  • Template Engines

    • Why Template Engine
    • What is Jade
    • What is vash
    • Example


MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth Angular Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and Angular Certificate

Angular Course Contents

  • Introduction
  • Modules
  • Databinding
  • Combine
  • Directives
  • Dependency
  • Routing
  • Forms
  • Relative Forms
  • Pipes
  • HTTP
  • Module and lazy loading
  • Animations
  • Create project and test


MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth Html Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and Html Certificate.

Html Course Contents

  • Overview of HTML5

    • The Story Behind
    • The HTML5 Advantages
    • HTML vs. HTML5
    • What’s new in HTML5
    • Semantic Markup
    • New HTML5 Semantic Tags
  • Semantic Markup and Selector APIs

    • Semantic Markup
    • Selector APIs
  • The Canvas API

    • Introduction
    • Understanding
    • Browser Support & Alternate Content
    • Working with Canvas
  • Scalable Vector Graphics in HTML5

    • Overview
    • Working with SVG in HTML5
  • Multimedia in HTML5

    • Introduction to Multimedia
    • Codecs and Containers
    • Browser support for Audio/ Video
    • Working with Audio/ Video Elements
  • Working with Forms API

    • Overview of Forms
    • Functional Forms
    • The Input Catalog
    • Common Input Types
    • HTML5 Input Types
    • HTML5 Form Attributes and Functions
    • Validating Form Elements in HTML5



MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth UI UX Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and UI UX Certificate.

UI UX Course Contents

  • The topics covered in this UX/UI courses are:

    • What is User Experience
    • Concept of UX
    • Trends in UX
    • What is User Interaction
    • Mental Model
    • Cognitive Model in UX
    • Emerging Technologies in UX
    • What is UX Design and Where is Used
    • Fitt’s law
    • Hick’s Law
  • Types of Data in UX Design

    • Qualitative Data
    • Quantitative Data
    • Techniques of Collection of Data
    • Types of User
  • More About 6 Stages

    • Introduction and Defination on 6 Stages of Design Process
    • 6 Design Steps in UX
    • Why we used 6 Stages in UX
    • Competitor Analysis in 6D
  • Heuristic Evalution

    • 10 Usability Heristic Evaluton Law for UX Design
    • How we used Heuristic Evalution
    • Case Studies of Competitor
  • User Research

    • Benefits and Introduction on User REsearch
    • Elements that used in User Research
    • Process in User Research
    • User Interview
    • Modern Day User Research Methods
    • What
  • UX Design Process

    • What is Research in User Experience Design?
    • Tools and Method used for Research
    • User Needs and its Goals
    • Know about Business Goals
    • How to deliver a research and it phases
    • Visual Design Principles
    • Information Design and Data Visualization
    • Interaction Design
    • Information Architecture
    • Wire framing & Storyboarding
    • Elements and Widgets
    • Screen Design and Layouts
    • Hands-on Assignments and Quiz
    • Design Testing Methods and Techniques
    • Usability Testing – Types and Process
    • Create plan for the Usability
    • What is Tests?
    • What is Prototype and how we design it
    • Various Prototyping Tools
    • How to prepare Usability Testing?
    • How to understand & refine Usability Test Results?
  • UX Improvement Process

    • Understanding the Usability Test findings
    • Applying the Usability Test feedback in
    • improving the design
  • UX Delivery Process

    • How to communicate with implementation team
    • UX Deliverables and its process
  • UX Projects

    • Web Projects
    • Android and IOS
    • Toolset
    • POS System
    • Interface and Product Design
    • Dashboard
  • UX Tools

    • Sketch
    • Axure
    • Invision
    • Proto
    • Adobe XD
    • Figma
    • Webflow
    • Flow Map
    • Balsamiq
    • Visual Sitemaps
    • Wireframe CC
    • Optimal Workshop


MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth WordPress Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and WordPress Certificate.

WordPress Course Contents

  • Getting to Know WordPress
  • Getting Started
  • Creating Content with WordPress
  • How to publish images and video
  • Organizing the Content on Your Blog
  • Changing the Appearance of Your Site
  • How to add functionality to your site with WordPress plugins
  • Users and User Profiles
  • Configuring Settings
  • Getting, and Interacting with, Readers
  • Maintenance and Security
  • Diving Further into the World of WordPress

Full Stack Developer at MIGHTY INFOTECH

MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth Full Stack Developer Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and Full Stack Developer Certificate.

Full Stack Developer Course Contents

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • JavaScript Essentials
  • DOM Scripting
  • Advanced JavaScript: Objects and Functions
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await and AJAX
  • JavaScript: Intro to ES6
  • TypeScript
  • Introducing Angular
  • Components
  • Component Templates
  • Inter Component Communication
  • Template Driven Forms
  • Reactive Forms
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • Pipes and Data Formatting
  • HTTP Client
  • The Angular Component Router
  • Advanced HTTP Client
  • Unit Testing Angular Applications
  • Welcome to React
  • Pure React
  • React with JSX
  • Props, State and the Component Tree
  • Enhancing Components
  • Redux


MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth MERN Stack Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and MERN Stack Certificate


MERN Stack Course Contents

  • JavaScript: Intro to ES6
  • TypeScript
  • Welcome to React
  • Pure React
  • React with JSX
  • Props, State and the Component Tree
  • Enhancing Components
  • Redux
  • React Redux
  • React Router
  • Understanding Node environment
  • Understanding Asynchronous Event Driven Programming
  • Streaming Data Across Node And clients
  • Access the File System
  • Introduction to Express
  • Getting Started with Express
  • Middleware and Rendering
  • Request & Response


MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth MEAN Stack Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and MEAN Stack Certificate.

MEAN Stack Course Contents

  • TypeScript
  • Introducing Angular
  • Components
  • Component Templates
  • Inter Component Communication
  • Template Driven Forms
  • Reactive Forms
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • Pipes and Data Formatting
  • HTTP Client
  • The Angular Component Router
  • Advanced HTTP Client
  • Unit Testing Angular Applications
  • Understanding Node environment
  • Understanding Asynchronous Event Driven Programming
  • Streaming Data Across Node And clients
  • Access the File System
  • Introduction to Express
  • Getting Started with Express
  • Middleware and Rendering
  • Request & Response
  • Project: Building API
  • Databases
  • API Integration with JS Frameworks


MIGHTY INFOTECH, in-depth CSS Training course, We offers with 100% placement in top CMM Level. We provide hands-on training and live projects and CSS Certificate.

CSS Course Contents

  • Introduction to CSS3
  • Basic Selectors
  • Working with Sizes, Colors and Files
  • Styling Text
  • Web Fonts
  • Background, Borders and Shadows
  • Gradients without
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Lists and Navigation Menus
  • Exploring Generated
  • Transforms and Transitions
  • Animating Elements with Keyframes
  • Styling Tables
  • Elements Positioning
  • Working with Layouts
  • Multi-Column Layouts with CSS3
  • Dealing with Cross Browser Layouts
  • Media
  • Print CSS3


Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I learn this course from MIGHTY INFOTECH?
  • Individual Attention
  • 100% placement support
  • Experienced faculties
  • Liberal fees structure
  • We are following globally accepted syllabus
Is online Software Development and Software Testing courses training available in MIGHTY INFOTECH Technologies?
  • Both classroom and online Software Development and Software Testing courses training are available at MIGHTY INFOTECH Technologies Training Centre Chennai.
How about the placement assistance in MIGHTY INFOTECH?
  • Almost every student who is studying here are getting placed.
  • We offers grooming section for our students with our experts for getting idea on how to attend an interview.

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